Name Generator

The Geeky Bit:

Several years ago I heard an author complaining about how hard he found it to come up with good names for his characters. I thought: it can't be too hard to build a name generator, I'll have a go at it!

What I needed was a source of names. After some Googling, I discovered that the UK, USA, and the EU publish census lists of unique male and female, first and last names. I downloaded the name lists, converted the text to a spreadsheet, weeded out the duplicates, and loaded them into a database.

Just click the button, and get two sets of 10 random generated names.

Male Names

rodger arrey
jordon seith
christian odwyer
david carradine
mason stoltenberg
garland aldous
tobias yerkovich
craig depaula
robert bretto
mauro svensen

Female Names

louisa wargo
kenda patino
majorie megraw
katelynn browy
cordia madden
madeleine nuxoll
debroah vlach
jeneva schwamberger
january lemaire
altagracia natsis